Imprint InterCal Slovenia d.o.o.

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InterCal Slovenia d.o.o.
Savska cesta 1
1410 Zagorje ob Savi
T +386 3 56-55-560

Registered at the District Court in Ljubljana
Commercial register number: 5033144000
UID no.: SI91530130

Object of the company:
Production of lime and limestone.

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InterCal Slovenia d.o.o. constantly develops the content of this website and strives to provide correct and up-to-date information. InterCal Slovenia d.o.o. does not assume any responsibility for the correctness of the content on this website, especially not for those provided by third parties. InterCal Slovenia d.o.o. as a provider of goods, it is not obliged to monitor information provided or stored by third parties or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Any obligations to remove information or block the use of information under general legislation due to court or official orders remain unchanged, even if InterCal Slovenija d.o.o. is not responsible.

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All contents of this website (images, photos, texts, videos) are subject to copyright and related rights. Before distributing, reproducing or using the content of this website, such as republishing it on other websites, you must obtain the consent of InterCal Slovenija d.o.o. InterCal Slovenia d.o.o. will protect the unauthorized use of the content of the website. If you find content on this site that infringes copyright, please contact us.

Image credits
All textual and audiovisual works on this website are protected by copyright and related rights. The rights holders are: InterCal Slovenija d.o.o., IGM I.D. do.o., Apnenec d.o.o.

Design and implementation
ONELOGIN Business & Technology Consulting GmbH
Universitätsstraße 92
9020 Klagenfurt, Kärnten